Instantly access translated records from



Including registration information



Including court records, bankruptcy, irregularities & more



Including government IDs phone numbers, bank cards, watchlists & more

Unravel complex ownership and identify UBO

AsiaVerify’s intelligent AI is taking UBO to a new level. Our proprietary UBO search technology enables the deepest UBO search. You can instantly: 

  • Identify Beneficial Owners 
  • Visually unravel complex corporate structures 
  • UBO registrations search across APAC 
  • Identify all Beneficial Owners with a minimum holding of 10% 
  • verify ownership structures and business relationships 
  • Access UBO reports in real-time and in your language 

Translate information at the click of a button!

Automated Monitoring of

Watchlist Ultimate Beneficial Owner

Ultimate Beneficial Owner

  • Change of Ultimate Beneficial Owner
Group 395

Interested? Here’s what
our clients are saying.

Know Your Customer
Ultimate Beneficial Owner
Valmet Logo

“Working with AsiaVerify has been a wonderful experience – highly professional, always responding with fast, detailed and transparent communication.”

Jyri Alajoki Head of Internal Audit
Zignsec Logo

With the help of AsiaVerify’s professional and helpful staff and simple API integration, it was seamlessly integrated on the ZignSec platform.

This has helped expand our global coverage of KYB and KYC within the APAC region to include countries like China and Japan, translated in real-time.

Sebastian Zilliacus Vice President - Asia, ZignSec