Instantly access translated records from



Including registration information


Court Records

Including court records, bankruptcy, irregularities & more



Including government IDs phone numbers, bank cards, watchlists & more

Why choose AsiaVerify?

Our team of experts will help you navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance and shared services. As Asia’s most trusted business search platform, we help our customers access data with ease. 

Group 146 Direct Registry Connection
Group 30 Real Time Data and Translation
Kyb5 Flexible Integration via API
Group 28 Asian Market Expertise
Watchlist Continuous Monitoring

Direct Government
Registry Connection.

Gain instant access to the most detailed and current intelligence, fully translated for ease of use.

Group 395

Integration? It’s your choice.


API Integration

Effortlessly incorporate our solutions into your existing systems with flexible APIs that support seamless integration. Reduce manual efforts and improve turnaround times, allowing you to focus on what matters most—growing your business.


Web Portal

AsiaVerify’s web portal offers an all-in-one, easy-to-use platform with real-time search capabilities and a usage-based pricing model, tailored for businesses needing a smaller number of checks.

Group 34

Master AML Risk Management with AsiaVerify’s Advanced Capabilities

Unparalleled UBO Search

  • Pinpoint AML Risks: Our service meticulously analyses international datasets to deliver extensive coverage and crucial insights.
  • Automated AML Searches: Efficiently verify the integrity of businesses, directors, and ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) using a globally encompassing database, ensuring detailed risk assessments and unwavering compliance.
Know Your Customer Phone

KYC Verification

  • Direct Database Access: Leverage real-time data from trusted government sources for comprehensive customer profiling. Access to National ID, passport, phone number, address, bank account, and age verification significantly improve your AML and KYC screening processes, eliminating up to 100% of blind spots.
  • Alerts and watchlists: Monitor customer risk profiles effectively with intelligent, automated monitoring and alerts for Politically Exposed Persons (PEP), global watch lists, sanctions, adverse media, and identification data.
Group 98

KYB Verification

  • Direct Database Access: Access real-time data from trusted government sources for crucial business information including name and registration number, date of incorporation, registered capital, historical name changes, business contact and address, status and legal forms, as well as activities and business scope.
  • Ongoing monitoring : Stay informed with alerts and watchlists featuring administrative penalties, court records, equity pledges, irregularities, law enforcement actions, and bankruptcy reorganisation details.

Start AML Search


Advanced UBO Verification

AsiaVerify’s purposeful AI is taking UBO to a new level – diving deep and unwrapping the shareholding structure to identify Beneficial Owners and unravel complex corporate structures.

Our proprietary UBO search technology enables the deepest possible Ultimate Beneficial Ownership search in Asia. Instantly identify all Beneficial Owners with a minimum holding of 25% to verify ownership structures and business relationships at the click of a button.


Interested? Here’s what
our clients are saying.

Know Your Business
Know Your Customer
Ultimate Beneficial Owner
Fulcrum Diligence

“I have worked in fraud investigations and due diligence for over 25 years – AsiaVerify is one of the best tools I have ever used for corporate research.”

Fulcrum Diligence Esther Dowling, COO
Kompany Moodys Color 1

Kompany’s partnership with Asia Verify is important not only for our APAC business but for Kompany globally.

We are excited to be offering this best-in-class real-time official company data on Kompany’s global platform for global business verification and Business KYC (KYB) – in both Chinese and English.

Russell E. Perry CEO and Co-founder, Kompany